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时间:2019年05月30日 16:29来源: 点击:

题目:Is Outcome-based Reimbursement the Solution to High Spending of Medicines?

报告人美国宾州州立大学 赵晖副教授

报告时间:6月3日(周一) 上午9:00



赵晖副教授,美国宾州州立大学副教授。其研究方向主要集中于医疗制度创新与公共政策、医药供应链、医院运营、分散式供应链中的协作和信息共享等方面。赵晖副教授在国际顶级期刊Management Science、Operations Research、Manufacturing and Service Operations Management、POMS发表论文多篇,并获得多项INFORMS奖项。现为Decision Sciences期刊副主编,并兼任Management Science, Operations Research等期刊的审稿人。


With the ever increasing drug prices, insurers, together with patients, face the risk of substantial spending on new drugs whose health benefits may not be guaranteed. To induce insurance coverage, manufacturers have started to offer an innovative outcome-based reimbursement (OBR) scheme, under which the insurer receives rebates if the ex-post drug effectiveness is lower than expected. In this paper, we investigate how the OBR scheme truly impacts insurer spending, manufacturer profitability, and patient health benefits, by developing an analytical model under which the manufacturer designs the OBR scheme and the insurer determines the optimal formulary design accordingly. Using data on 15 drugs to treat a common disease, we calibrated the model to bring answers and additional insights to the above questions.
